Exciting News! Leek Radio CIC has been nominated for the prestigious Pride of Staffordshire Awards. We are thrilled to be recognized In The Pride of Staffordshire Live Music & Entertainment Catagory For The "Local Community Radio Station Of The Year" Award, and it's all thanks to our incredible community!
But here's where we need your support to bring home the victory.
We're calling on each and every one of you to help us win!
You Can Vote For Us By visiting this LINK and clicking on the Discussion tab to find the community radio post. Once there, show your support by commenting "Leek Radio CIC" on that post to cast your vote for us!
(This Is The Full Link Should You Need It: https://facebook.com/events/842543520621915?view=permalink&id=842552833954317 )
We cannot express our gratitude enough for your ongoing support. Leek Radio is proudly operated by Leek locals, for Leek locals. We have built a remarkable sense of community at Leek Radio CIC, and we owe it all to you.
Let's take a moment to reflect on our achievements. Since January 2021, we have launched several initiatives as a community station, including:
'The Hub' - Leek's First Warm Hub Project
'The Coat Bank' - Providing free coats, gloves, hats, and scarves to those in need,
Entertaining 'Bingo Nights & Raffles'
'The Community Energy Bank' - Still offering assistance with your bills!
'Our Christmas Fayre at Leek Lights Switch On'
Our Exciting upcoming events: 'Community Barbeque In The Car Park' happening three times during Summer 2023 ( See FB Post On Our Page For Info)
& Not Forgeting 'Leek's Own LGBTQ+ Radio Show' with a mission to support the LGBTQ+ Community

The list goes on and on, and we can't possibly cover it all here. We have achieved so much together, and we're immensely proud of the diverse and fantastic shows we broadcast, all live, 24/7 from the heart of our town at our studios in Derby Street/Sparrow Park.
Once again, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you, our dedicated Leek Radio CIC listeners. Without your support, none of this would be possible.
Thank you for voting for us and being a part of our extraordinary journey.